This page presents a summary of my recent projects and positions, starting with the most recent. Click on the links for more details
The Seagull Cafe
I have been co-leading sessions at More Music Morecambe for over-60s, the Seagull Cafe in which we sing a selection of popular songs together,
Choir Leading
I lead two weekly community choirs, The Lune Valley Voices and Border Harmony.
Instrumental Folk Workshops
I run both regular folk music classes for adults, and one-off workshops as part of festivals and residential events. Find out more here Folk to Folk . Folk to Folk continues on Zoom when required by the COVID-19 restrictions.
School Teaching
Please see the Music in Schools section of this website
Cinclus Cinclus
During 2019 I joined Maja Bugge to present some sessions of this collaborative UK/Norway jazz project I helped create musical instruments from found objects and led school children in exploratory music making.
Street and Festival Music
See the Boom Bike Bourree web site for examples of our street shows, including some videos.
Music for Puppet Shows
Music for Dancing
I have played for dancing, with many collaborators, as a duo in Avant Deux, and bands including the Wizards of Noz We often play for French dance events.
Private Teaching
I teach accordion privately with an emphasis on folk styles.
Circus Performing
See Circus Work for some pictures from my early career as an acrobat and street performer.